Download Full Dolphin Tale 2 in HD Quality
Now you can see Dolphin Tale 2 in top quality with duration 107 Min and was released on 2014-09-12 and MPAA rating is 37.- Original Title : Dolphin Tale 2
- Movie title in your country : Dolphin Tale 2
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Family, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-09-12
- Companies of movie : Alcon Entertainment, Color Force, Boxing Cat Films,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 107 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie : gMDymk_gx3A
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,FR,RU,PT,IT,DE,NL,EL,HU,CS,ZH,SV,HE,RO,PL,DA,
- Actors of movie :Morgan Freeman (Dr. Cameron McCarthy), Ashley Judd (Lorraine Nelson), Nathan Gamble (Sawyer Nelson), Cozi Zuehlsdorff (Hazel Haskett), Harry Connick Jr. (Dr. Clay Haskett), Kris Kristofferson (Reed Hasket), Bethany Hamilton (Herself), Julia Winter (Peyton), Austin Stowell (Kyle Connellan), Austin Highsmith (Phoebe), Denisea Wilson (Julia), Juliana Harkavy (Rebecca), Carlos Gómez (Dr. Aslan), Betsy Landin (Kat), Tom Nowicki (Phillip J Hordern), Charles Martin Smith (George Hughes), Taylor Blackwell (Susie), Denis Arndt (Dennis), Jim R. Coleman (Pat), Alana Cavanaugh (Toddler), Julia Jordan (Mandy), Tom Hillmann (Mel Prince), Damon Sementilli (News Reporter), Kim Ostrenko (Alyce Connelan), Tamara Austin (Nurse's Aide), Lauren O'Quinn (Tourist Woman), Tom Ohmer (Board Member), Cayla Brady (Clearwater Marine Volunteer), Amanda Powell (Jennifer Kidd), Amy Jordan (Mandy and Troy's Mom), Raheem Babalola (Steve), Lee Karlinsky (Troy), Kevin Tyler Moody (Clearwater Marine Volunteer), Madison Absher (Volunteer), Amy Fox (Print Reporter), Adrianne Walsh (Board Member), Hope Hanafin (Jeanett), Kasity Koehn (Tourist), Cassie Livingston (Volunteer #2), Thia Marie (Aquarium Visitor), Steven King (Cma staff), Andrew McKeough (Josh), Darlene Kole (Tourist), John S. Linkogle (The School Bus Driver), Jessica Braswell (Beach Girl), Kellyann Cernese (Aquarium Guest), Ashley Nicole Hutto (CMA Intern), Ashley Nicole (Beach girl), Trey Lewis Sands (News Reporter), Carinne Julien (CMA Volunteer), Breannalee Hansen (Tourist), Lorenza Navarro (Hospital Visitor), Joshua Lagos (Aquarium Worker), Mark Kelliher (CMA SCUBA Diver), Gloria de Luna (Female Tourist), Rodolfo Madrigal (Facility / Tourist), Dawn Fiech (Tourist), Sierra Klein (Surprised Girl), Tyler Ellrodt (CMA Staff Member), Baylee Klein (Skipping Girl #2), Jeremy Fore (Tourist #4), Autumn Klein (Skipping Girl #1), Malcolm Modele (Tourist)
Movie plot of Dolphin Tale 2 :
Full Dolphin Tale 2 in Best Quality with movie synopsis "The team of people who saved Winter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital." in best look. Full Dolphin Tale 2 in Top Video Format by push of the download link.
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... Full Dolphin Tale 2 in Best Look 1080p ...
Writer : Charles Martin Smith, Producer : Broderick Johnson, Producer : Andrew A. Kosove, Executive Producer : David Yates, Characters : Karen Janszen, Characters : Noam Dromi, Director of Photography : Daryn Okada, Original Music Composer : Rachel Portman, Director : Charles Martin Smith, Executive Producer : Robert Engelman, Producer : Steven P. Wegner, Co-Producer : Yolanda T. Cochran, Associate Producer : Brad Arensman, Editor : Harvey Rosenstock, Casting : Lori Wyman, Production Design : David J. Bomba
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Tags: dolphin, aquarium, swimming with dolphins,
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